10 Pages Deep - 6/6/07
I am going to start with what I think will be a simple search, and probably come up with little interesting links. My first 10 Pages Deep keyword(s): "comic books".
Nice and simple right? You would be wrong. If this is any indicator of hw this feature is going to go, this will be fun. Let's get the flotsam and jetsam out of the way first.
- a technorati link
- a mobile comics ad
- a link to Diamond Comics (really on page 10?)
- "So you wanna be a Comic Book artist? (if I have to resort to your website to get into the industry, I am doomed)
- comics.meetup.com (doesn't look too bad, but doesn't look interesting either)
- and a link to Buffy Season 8 by Dark Horse
What follows is what I was looking for, the payoff, the money shot, the kinda thing I imagined the other night at 3 in he morning when my car alarm went off and I was wide awake in the middle of the night:
- www.comicbookink.com - This is what I think every comic shop website should be. It is nicely laid out, it is easy to find what you are looking for, and they take pride in the business they are in.
Hello and Welcome to COMIC BOOK INK's little corner of the Internet!
We are a full service comic book store located in the Brand New Johnsborough Station in the East End of Tacoma,Washington. Just a hop skip and a jump from Fort Lewis and Puyallup. Established in October of 2002, we hope to provide the best in customer service, subscription programs and in new, and old, comic book and movie merchandise!
In the last four years we have been lucky enough to have such creators as artist Adam Kubert, multiple Eisner Award Winner Brian Michael Bendis, Clayton Crain, Robert Kirkman, Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, Stephano Gaudiano, Eric S. Trautmann, Phil & Kaja Foglio, Roberta Gregory, and John Layman...We're always hoping to have more folks visit us as well both famous (and a little infamous).
- Comic Book Legal Defense Fund - This is a great cause for anyone who loves comics. I have a permanent link on the sidebar for this particular charity as I believe in Free Speech across the board, and if we are not careful, it is far too easy for people to attack the "funny books".
Throughout its existence, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has carried
out its mission to protect free speech in comics through the generous support of fans and professionals alike. At conventions, through benefit books and other fundraisers, the comics community has rallied behind the First Amendment. No media has a more enthusiastic base of support than comics, and the CBLDF is proud to play a part in protecting this vital American art form. However, the fight against censorship is a costly business.
While conventions and special premiums provide wonderful opportunities to raise funds and awareness, they do not provide the steady, predictable funding that the CBLDF needs in order to deliver the professional level of service that the industry deserves. - Diabetes Comic Book - A comic book put together by two kids who are Type 1 Diabetic. My parents and my brother are all diabetic, and if I ever went to the doctor, I would probably find out that my gallon-a-day habit of Mountain Dew is gonna come back to bite me. So I don't mind putting this out there and hope it helps someone.
- It is the Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day!!!
Wow is all I really have to say... Make sure you check out the Cover Archive at the bottom of the page. There are quite a few that are NSFW, and some that are just plain disturbing. Click on the image on the right to enlarge one of the tamer ones you'll find.
So there you go, I hope this was entertaining for you all. I don't know how often I am going to do this, but it might be easiest to do it on Wednesday mornings like today, right before I get my comics and while no one else is posting because they are doing the same thing.
See ya later today,
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