On the Rack - 6/7/07
Slow Thursday morning, and I have company coming over late this afternoon, so I'll get a few things out there now and then make another post this afternoon if anything interesting is going on.
- I am not sure which was first, but both Newsarama and Marvel.com have M.O.D.O.K. doing interviews with creators. Doesn't really matter though, cause they both do them well, so I won't complain and just enjoy them both. Some entries from both:
- Another collection of links for you to read, this time by Bruce MacIntosh, who is what you might call a "prolific" writer over at The Pulse. His articles are informative, indepth and usually long, which is the only way you could fit in all the information he wants to share. When asked recently in a comment where he gets all his info, he replied:
I read... lots... of comics. Oh, and I don't sleep.
But, seriously folks... I've been a (DC) comics fan since I was knee-high to the Atom.
Speaking of Ray Palmer - Where the heck is that guy, anyway? OK then, on with the links: - This is the beggining of (so far) an 11 part series on the Justice League, very good reading here, but set aside a couple nights to finish it up
- A very good look at some major players in Countdown, as Bruce highlights Jimmy Olsen and Black Adam
- And finally, if you read Countdown #47, and more specifically the backup story "History of the Multiverse", Bruce explains pretty well what the Monitors were talking about

Oh yes, Mary Marvel has definitely grown up.
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