Wizard World News Pt. 1
A few things are coming out of Wizard World Philadelphia already. I'll be keeping an eye on this all weekend and into next. A lot of the news is the same coming from different sources, so I am not going to give five links to every bit of news. At the end of each WWP (Wizard World Philadelphia) post, I will just have a whole bunch of links from where I found stuff. Ok on with the good stuff.
Best news I have heard so far
The Flash will be ending with issue #13, to be restarted with a new #1 soon after. Even better news is that Mark Waid will the writer and pencils will be done by Daniel Acuna on the relaunch which will be called All-Flash. Many, many thing can be read into this. The biggest being the demise of Bart Allen. Considering we have seen the cover with Bart laying on the ground surrounded by the Rogues, this would be the logical progression to that cover. However, Waid was the creator of Impulse, and I don''t know how writers feel about killing off one of their own. Can't wait.
Amazing CubedI don't understand this announcement, or more precisely, why they felt the need. All the Spider-Man titles will be folded into one, called Amazing Spider-Man, and being released 3 weeks a month. Why only three? No clue. Why all the same name? *shrug*
Was it really that confusing? Do people have a hard time following all the different titles for Batman, Superman, X-Men, Avengers, the Legion, etc.? Maybe I am like comic mensa or something, but there is this thing on every comic, it is called a title. Read it and you will know what comic you are buying. Let's take this one step further and just slap the same cover on it every week, then they don't have to be worried about being fooled.
Securing Trademarks
A few titles will be making a return no doubt for no other reason than to keep the trademark on some cool names. Among them: Suicide Squad, Infinity, Inc. (likely the crap we saw in 52 from Luthor) and a vague reference to Doom Patrol ("sometime between now and 2030"). These were mostly some great ideas in the 70's and 80's. I guess they could be interesting, but they could also suck, but at least the trademark would continue to be tied up and we would be spared another Champions embarrassment.
One More Day
What would you do if you only had one more day? Not sure, but I know I wouldn't be caught reading Spider-Man.
Amazonian Announcement
Dan Didio suggested at Heroescon in North Carolina that a Wonder Girl spin-off miniseries coming out of the
pointless painful current Amazon Attacks series. He also said that Uncle Sam will be making more appearances, which could suggest that Amazons Attack is a multiverse story (somehow, I hope).
That's all from Day One (Friday). There will be more than the usual posts this weekend. I'll be covering the rest of WWP and Heroescon, and there does happen to be other stuff going on, too. Marvel has a new character "wiki" that I am going to explore more, a new Transformers video I'll be posting tomorrow and more.
1 comment:
What was that about the Spiderman title again? I just dont get it either... At the moment Peter David is doing the best job of the Spiderman writers over at Friendly Neighbourhood SPiderman. Personally, I think this whole revelation of identity thing fucked up the character royally (my favourite character as well...) and now they dont know what to do with him. Only Marvel could get their flagship character and put him through so many meaningless changes...
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